Salud Guru - Second Stage - 2014

Finally after deliberating and refining our mock-ups and comps, the final version was live in the second semester of 2014.

 The public version of the online appointment system, had a single search box with an autocomplete field, for doctors name, specialty, and health care program.

The user could refine the results according to his needs, and have access to a collection of specialists from a specific field together with basic information. If the user found a Doctor of his liking, they could go ahead and see the doctors profile which contained his locations, schedules, professional profile and image gallery.

Once the choice of health care specialist and date for the appointment was made, the user only had to go through a simple register process and the appointment was set.

The mobile version had the same number of steps but with less amount of information, made it more simple for the users to see the relevant information of a doctors profile and his available agenda. 

Unfortunately the project was put on hold for indefinite time due to the period estimated for return of investment.
